When Is The FNAF Movie Coming Out? Release Date, Streaming Details, And More

Have you been eagerly waiting to find out when the FNAF movie is coming out? The big day is October 25, 2023. This article will give you all the details about its release date, where to watch it, and what to expect.

Keep reading for all the spooky details!

When Is the FNAF Movie Set to Release?

The FNAF movie is hitting theaters just in time for Halloween, on October 25, 2023. Fans can catch it streaming the very next day on Peacock.

Confirmed release date of October 25, 2023

Mark your calendars, folks! October 25, 2023, is the big day. Fans in the UK get to see it first on this date. Then, just two days later, it hit theaters in the US on October 27. Excitement is in the air as everyone counts down to these key dates.

Right after its theatrical debut, you won’t have to wait long for more viewing options. Peacock streams it starting October 26. And if you love collecting DVDs or Blu-ray discs, November 28 is your day.

Get ready to enjoy FNAF from the comfort of your home!

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Available for streaming on Peacock on October 26, 2023

Following its big screen debut on October 25, the FNAF movie quickly jumped to Peacock for streaming. On October 26, fans got to watch it from the comfort of their homes. This move made sure all eyes were on Peacock — the exclusive spot for online viewing.

Now, anyone with a subscription can dive into this thrilling world without leaving their couch. The quick turn from theater to digital shows how eager producers are to reach audiences everywhere.

DVD and Blu-ray release on November 28, 2023

The FNAF movie fans have a date to mark on their calendars – November 28, 2023. That’s when the DVD and Blu-ray hit the shelves. It’s your chance to bring home the thrills. Perfect for those who love collecting or want to enjoy the movie in high quality.

You can find it in stores or order online, making movie night even better. The release includes extra goodies, like behind-the-scenes looks and maybe some secrets from Freddy’s world.

Don’t miss out on adding this to your collection!

Where Can You Watch the FNAF Movie?

You can catch the FNAF movie in different places. From a big screen experience to watching at home, there’s an option for everyone.

In theaters

The FNAF movie hit movie theaters on October 27, 2023, in the US and October 25 in the UK. Fans filled cinema seats to catch the horror film debut on the big screen. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement as viewers gathered for movie showtimes across different cinemas.

For those who love experiencing thrills together, film screenings in theaters were a must-attend event. It wasn’t just about watching; it was about feeling every jump scare as a collective gasp echoed through the dark room.

This box office moment marked a new chapter for FNAF fans, bringing characters to life beyond pixels and screens.

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Streaming on Peacock

After catching it in theaters, fans won’t have to wait long for another viewing option. Peacock got the exclusive rights to stream the FNAF movie. So, starting on October 26, 2023, you can watch it from home.

Yes—that’s just one day after its big theater debut. This move puts Peacock at the center of all things FNAF movie-related. If you missed the film premiere or simply want to dive back into its creepy world from your couch, this online platform has you covered.

It’s easy and quick; just hop onto Peacock and find the movie ready for your next horror night.

DVD and Blu-ray

Following its debut on Peacock, the FNAF movie swings into homes with a DVD and Blu-ray release set for December 15, 2023. Fans eager to get their hands on physical copies can already place pre-orders online.

These editions pack a punch with special features, including behind-the-scenes footage and interviews that take viewers deeper into the making of this thrilling film.

Exclusive to these formats are deleted scenes and alternate endings that didn’t make it to the big screen. For those who love collecting, limited edition sets come loaded with exclusive merchandise that’s sure to delight.

From in-depth explorations of how the movie was made to rare collector’s items, owning a copy brings the FNAF world right into your living room.

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What We Know About the FNAF Movie

The FNAF movie, directed by Chris Columbus, dropped its trailer on May 16, 2023, and already has a sequel in the works—get ready to dive into this spooky world.

Trailer released on May 16, 2023

On May 16, 2023, fans got their first look at the movie through a trailer. This sneak peek showed off some of the scary parts and what the story might be about. People saw characters they knew from games in action for the first time.

The clip made them excited and a bit scared of what’s coming next.

This preview also sparked talks about a sequel even before the first film hit theaters. Now, let’s dive into when and where you can catch this much-anticipated movie.

Sequel confirmed and set to begin filming in July 2024

Right after the trailer hit screens, fans got more exciting news. The sequel to the FNAF movie is a go. Cameras start rolling in July 2024. This confirms that our adventure with scary animatronics won’t end soon.

The team behind it promises more thrills and chills. Get ready for another trip to Freddy’s world that will keep you on the edge of your seat. This follow-up film marks another chapter in the FNAF saga, proving this movie series has much more to tell.

Fans are eager to see where this next installment takes them, as filming kicks off next summer.

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Directed by Chris Columbus

Moving from the excitement of a sequel, it’s important to clarify that Chris Columbus is not the director of the FNAF movie. Emma Tammi takes the helm, guiding the film’s direction.

Although Columbus is known for directing many hit films, his creative vision did not shape this particular movie. Under Tammi’s direction, we can expect a unique twist on the beloved game series’ adaptation into film.

The blend of her vision and experience will bring new life to the story, ensuring fans and newcomers alike will get an unforgettable cinematic experience.


Get ready for scares this October. The “Five Nights at Freddy’s” movie hits theaters on October 25, 2023. You can stream it on Peacock the very next day or wait for the DVD and Blu-ray release in November.

Directed by Emma Tammi, with a star-studded cast including Josh Hutcherson and Elizabeth Lail, it promises to bring your favorite horror game to life. Don’t miss out on the chills and thrills this Halloween season!

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